Unique Events – Ethan Okamura’s Photography At Livewater

The ocean has a way of inspiring an appreciation for existing in the present. Ethan Okamura’s photography touches on this phenomenon by freeze-framing the movement of waves, ocean foam, and droplets of water in appealing and thought provoking compositions.
Photo by Ethan Okamura

With titles such as Foam DNA, Dreamy Foam and Sky, and Dancing Foam the viewer is encouraged to try out a compelling perspective on the edge of the ocean – one that pauses to appreciate the immensity of each micro-moment that we might otherwise take for granted.

Photo by Ethan Okamura

By focusing on these precise instances, Okamura’s work allows nature to present itself in powerful gestures that articulate how amazing each split second is. As Okamura reflects, “I love the way water makes it obvious that each moment you capture is a completely unique event that’s never happened before and will never happen again.”

Photo by Ethan Okamura

His photography is currently being exhibited at Live Water Surf Shop in Stinson Beach and Fairfax, CA. The show will be up through the holiday season. For more information on how to purchase Ethan Okamura’s work contact Melanie at “melanie@victorsmithrepresents.com” 415-846-9864.

Live Water Surf Shop – Stinson Beach and Fairfax, CA

All events posted on The Good Brine are subject to change. Please check directly with organizations and venues to confirm times and locations.

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