Torren Martyn – Tesoro Enterrado – Full Film

The Spanish phrase tesoro enterrado translates in English to “buried treasure.” In this 20 minute video by Bay Area local Perry Gershkow, presented by needESSENTIALS, the significance of the title is obvious. Torren Martyn taps into a tubefest goldmine south of the US/Mexico border with his trademark approach on twin fin set ups. If you’re […]

Michael February Solo In West Africa

Perfect empty waves in a West African fishing village, vibrant musical rhythm, and Michael February’s stylish surfing merge seamlessly in this Vimeo Staff Pick from Doomsday. If you want a fresh musical take on the soloist experience click play and enjoy Nu Rythmo. sources and links: Doomsday Nu Rythmo was directed by Sam Smith, filmed […]

Stream Patagonia’s “Never Town” Now

“It’s always going to be a battle. We need clear, articulated, unemotional I suppose, supporters. A kind of common sense wisdom. We don’t have long to make some serious change.” – Wayne Lynch – Heavy waves and heavy concepts – Patagonia’s latest environmental surf film Never Town does not hold back while exploring what screams […]

5 Ocean Based Netflix Picks

A handful of our favorite ocean based films are now available on Netflix. We’ve mentioned them before, written about them, and highlighted underlying themes. But now it’s too easy. You don’t have to take our word for it. Simply log on, stream through these 5 full-length works of cinematic story telling, and prepare to be […]