Anthony Walsh is a professional surfer renowned for his skill in hollow waves. In 2016 he won a GoPro contest for a wave at Skeleton Bay in Namibia that he got barreled on 11 times. But what about another, more personal side to the roving professional – family life? Watch the Walshes – Anthony, Crystal, and Damien as they indulge in some warm water family vibes.
How do you make the most of small waves, crowded line-ups, and funky summer time conditions? Break out a log and get loose. "You can't not have fun on a longboard," a friend of mine once told me. Watch this high definition video of kids surfing Queens for proof. sources…
"The best thing my dad's taught me is to be kind and humble..." - Jackson Dorian - Growing up in Hawaii, making friends, and shredding with dad - gromlife doesn't get much better than that. Eleven year old Jackson Dorian lays it down and froths out in this mini profile…
Get to know the awesome old-school family that is the Bruhwilers. Go deep into the frosty waves and wilds of back country Canada in this seven minute video presented by Yeti. Also the surf is amazing, and savage and inspiring... sources and links: