Wow!!! It’s hard to fathom – we’re all suddenly facing a lethal pandemic which is spreading like wildfire across the globe. This has obviously put surfing in perspective. While we love to surf, need surf therapy on so many levels – keeping ourselves and other safe is dire at the moment.
Seeing that isolation is paramount right now it’s going to take a lot of patience, creativity, and reaching out virtually to get through this. That’s where the Lockdown Surf X Film Festival comes in. According to the website it is “a festival for our times – a free online celebration of surf culture, bringing together a line up of awesome films with talks from filmmakers, a gallery show, a short film contest plus a series of sessions with our favourite surfers and creatives, coming live and direct from their sofas to yours!”
Below is a trailer for one of the films being screened by Jack Coleman Surf Films and a link to the festival at large. Stay safe – enjoy – and know that we’ll get through this and back into the water in no time…
Thanks for sharing. Nice to see you still at it here!