Heavy Waves And Sustainability – Mark Healey On Permaculture

“I ended up being able to follow my passions and make a living out of it. So I’ve been very blessed in being able to do that…”

Mark Healey is a world renowned hellman in the water, known for taking on the heaviest of heavy conditions at big wave spots in Hawaii and around the globe. As it turns out, he’s also committed on land, devoting his time and energy to permaculture and sustainability.

Come To Life With Mark Healey documents his approach to living in sync with nature – spearing fish, growing food, and expanding on knowledge about sustainable farming. By working collaboratively with other like-minded people through a network called Permablitz Hi, Healey set up his own complementary plant system and and inspired others along the way.

According to their website, “Permablitz HI is a grassroots reciprocal network that hosts permablitzes on Oahu monthly or bi-monthly throughout the year. Anyone can come and volunteer at these permablitzes. Once a person has participated in at least three permablitzes, they become eligible to receive a permablitz at their home. Some volunteers also choose to donate their permablitz to a school or community organization.”

For more information and a visual on how it’s done watch Healey and the Permablitz HI community making progress in the video below:


sources and links:

Permablitz Hi

Guayakí Yerba Mate