Checking In With Fleahab

I recently read an article in Surfer Magazine entitled Sons of Steamer Lane about what it’s been like for multiple generations of surfers to grow up in Santa Cruz. The article contrasted the lifestyles of the young up and coming generation of competitive surfers, like Nat Young, with the old school wild and wooly badasses of earlier times.
Nat Young image from
Nat Young image from

Although the article focused on the well earned successes of Nat Young, it also brought up Santa Cruz’s darker side. It talked about how some of Santa Cruz’s heavy hitting locals ended up in jail, addicted to drugs, or worse. In Flea Virostko’s case (three time Mavericks champion) it was addiction to meth that led him astray. Unlike others of his generation, like Shawn “Barney” Barron who passed away in 2015, Flea pulled through rough times, sobered up, and got a second chance in life. Seizing his opportunity to clean up and help others along the way he founded Fleahab, a rehab living facility that offers a holistic approach to sober living.

Although the creation of Fleahab, by Virostko was not the main focus of the article, this angle intrigued me and inspired me to learn more. As it states on the organization’s website, “The mission of FleaHab is to provide a sober living environment, created to integrate exercise and a healthy lifestyle into the recovery process for those afflicted with drug and alcohol addiction. FleaHab provides an alternative sober living program for clients interested in a more holistic approach to recovery.”


The nonprofit organizatin is currently working on a fundraising dinner to be prepared by a chef from Bywater, set on a private beach just north of Santa Cruz, and hosted by Virostko. For more details about the benefit dinner, and/or to learn how to donate to this cause, check out the Fleahab website:

sources and links:

photo of flea:

photo of Nat Young: Kookson: 

Sons Of Steamer Lane